Be You | Style Tips from a Five-Year-Old

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Be You! style tips from a 5-year-old

Be you! Style tips from a 5-year-old

Sometimes it’s easier to stay small.

At 5’11” you’d think I’d give this one up, but the habit was formed long ago. As a pre-teen, I would hunch my shoulders and would dress more to blend in than stand out. I found it difficult to just be me.

Some of these habits followed me into adulthood. I still remind myself to pull my shoulders back and you can usually find me wearing yoga pants and a hoodie.

My daughter is not like this… not in the least. I look at her and I am in awe of her sprit and confidence. More recently, I’ve started taking style notes.

Girl has style

This weekend I took her to get some new shoes, but not just any shoes… She wanted Sketchers.

She’s five and since she was physically able she has insisted on dressing herself. I gave up long ago trying to fight it.

Dress phase

She went through a dress phase, a tutu phase, and a superhero shirt phase. She went through a phase where she refused to wear shorts or short sleeved shirts and a phase where she would wear nothing but shorts and short sleeved shirts.

Leggings with tutu phase (my favorite)

Through each of these phases, just undies has always been the preferable uniform for “Mommy days.”

Couldn’t tell you what this phase is…

She likes black with bright colors and can rock a pair of glitter sparkled leggins like no body’s business.

Superhero t-shirt phase

Let it go

I’d like to say I have some control, but other than setting a few boundaries to account for weather and maybe special occasions like church at Christmas, it’s best for all parties involved if we just let her do her thing.

This does present some challenges.

I’ve spent many stressed out moments before picture day and family photo shoots crossing my fingers she will choose something resembling an outfit.

In the last few years though, I have to say my girl is getting some style.

Badass phase

This weekend while I watched her face light up while trying on shoes that literally light up, I thought to myself this is one of those things I want to get right.

I want to empower her to be authentically her. To like what she likes simply because she likes it. To take what she likes and put her spin on it. To gather inspiration from others without feeling pressure to conform.

I’m too cute for words phase

Here are a few style tips from the little girl herself on how to be authentically you.

  1. Like what you like.
  2. Never underestimate your second favorite color, it could become your first favorite color.
  3. When in doubt, choose sparkles.
  4. Dream big because “then everyone will know they can be whatever they want to be.”

So there you have it… style/ life tips from my say what you mean, mean what you say, full of personality, future doctor, President of the United States, LOL doll collector.

Do you have a fashion conscience little one at home? What have you learned from their budding personalities? Drop a comment below and let me know.

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