Monday Musings | Fear Cannot Survive Proximity

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Hello, friends and welcome to another day of  Monday Musings.  Today I’m going to take you on a stroll through my little brain and my thoughts on the idea that Fear Cannot Survive Proximity.  Here goes…


I first heard this idea while listening to The Good Life Project w/ Johnathan Fields.  He was interviewing Glennon Doyle Melton, author, activist, and founder of… and in my humble opinion a total spiritual rock star.  When she said, “Fear cannot survive proximity” it was like a light went on in my brain.  I thought to myself, “Yes! If I stand next to my fear and truly understand it, my fear cannot survive.”

I have always been a little afraid of my own creativity

I get these bursts of inspiration and I feel like I can’t write fast enough to keep up with the thoughts flowing through me, but then like turning off a faucet, the ideas stop. One minute it’s there and the next minute it’s gone. I am bewildered because I was so comfortable sharing my truth, and then all of the sudden I have a vulnerability hangover and I start to question if what I was writing was any good in the first place. I pull back…way back.

The truth is, that it’s easier for me to keep my ideas to myself.  It’s easier to keep these stories locked inside, because as long as I don’t let them out, no one can criticize them or tell me I’m not good enough, or smart enough, or funny enough.  If I hide my ideas from the world they stay perfect inside my heart.

But, if I believe that Fear Cannot Survive Proximity, and I do. The only way through my fear of creativity is to lead a creative life. For me, that means writing. If I want to be less afraid of writing then I have to write, even if it’s terrible, especially if it’s terrible. Even now as my hour is coming to a close I know I am babbling, but I’m also creating, and that’s a hell of a lot more interesting than not creating at all.

Big hugs my friends

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