Self-Care + Movement

Laundry Meditation

Laundry Meditation

A few weeks ago I was talking with my therapist about focus. I often find myself wandering around the house "busy" but not really doing anything. Durning our conversation meditation came up. I gushed about how much I love meditation. I have a candle, and a pillow, and...



Slow down and push pause.  Pause (n) A temporary stop in action or speech. One of the most valuable lessons I've learned in sobriety is to pause when agitated.  When I'm frustrated because dinner isn't made, the baby is crying, my husband still isn't home from...

Monday Musings | Fear Cannot Survive Proximity

Monday Musings | Fear Cannot Survive Proximity

Hello, friends and welcome to another day of  Monday Musings.  Today I'm going to take you on a stroll through my little brain and my thoughts on the idea that Fear Cannot Survive Proximity.  Here goes... I first heard this idea while listening to The Good Life...

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