Deep Thoughts from the Boy Who Made Me Mommy

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Deep thoughts from the boy who made me mommy

“Out of the mouths of babes” is a popular quote from the Bible for a reason. Our children come up with the most hilarious, heartwarming, and often profound statements it’s as if they are coming from another realm altogether.

Deep thoughts from the boy who made me mommy

My oldest son has always been a deep thinker.

In the last few months, I’ve come to think of him like a really long locomotive. He stokes the flames and the wheels turn, but there is a long train of cars behind him so it takes a lot of power to move forward.

Recently though, a few things have clicked into motion and some seriously deep thoughts have been flowing out of his mouth.

Here are a few deep thoughts from the boy who made me mommy.

Deep thoughts on reading.

My middle daughter asked, “Why does Owen read his books so quickly?”

Owen thought about it for a minute and then said, “Well, sometimes there are other things I want to do so I just get my reading done fast, and sometimes I just want to find out what happens next and…

Sometimes I like to read my book really slowly so it lasts longer.”

You and me both buddy.

Deep thoughts on nature.

Owen has a mountain of ideas, but like most second graders he struggles to get those ideas out of his head and onto the paper. One of the ways we are helping him is by practicing different writing techniques at home.

Last week he wrote about rain and specifically thunder and lighting. He said,

“I like thunder because it’s like there’s something coming, but then there’s nothing there.”

You’re a poet and you didn’t even know it.

Deep thoughts on self-care.

This past weekend I was struggling. We were really busy with basketball games, and birthday parties and my husband had to go into work.

Owen and I were sitting at the table and he says to me, “Mom you look really overwhelmed.” His comment came so suddenly I didn’t have a chance to squash the tears. I said, “Yes honey, I am really overwhelmed.” Then he said,

“It’s ok mom. Just go exercise. You’ll feel better. I’ll come get you if Aiden wakes up.”

Where did this boy come from? How does he know to say these things?

Being a parent is hard. They won’t always get it right. They will embarrass you. You will feel judged. I just saw a picture of my son on Facebook where all of the other children in the picture are happily smiling for the camera and he is throwing up the “loser sign.” If there was ever a hand of forehead moment this would be it.

Deep thoughts from the boy who made me mommy

We get very little validation that we are raising good humans, but that’s why it’s so important to hang on to these special moments that say we are on the right path.

Deep thoughts from the boy who made me mommy

Do you have a moment where your child said just the right thing and just the right time? Have they ever said something that just blew your mind? Drop a comment below. I would love to celebrate your deep thinker.

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